A few things you need to know…

Sweet Daughter of the King,

You need to know that you are beautiful. You need to know that when Yahweh looks at you He sees you holy. He sees that your sin has been covered with the blood of Jesus and you are now pure.

You need to know that you are worth it. It doesn’t matter who told you that you’re not. It doesn’t matter how many times they said it, or how many times Satan reminds you of their words. Your heart is worth pursuing. You are worth fighting for. You are worth life.

You need to know that Jesus has a purpose for you. You have not been created to live and die without making an impact on the people around you. You have a grand reason in this world and God is going to use you to impact the nations… if you’ll let Him.

You need to know that Satan will never stop speaking lies to you. You need to know God’s truth so that you can fight them. Satan will do everything in his power to keep you from knowing God. Never think that you’re in the clear. Never stop fighting him.

You need to know that you are loved by the Creator of the Universe. You move the heart of God. You are a delight to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. You are worth it.

Rest in this truth. Believe it in your heart and let it permeate every aspect of your being.

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