Get Up.

There are things that you were made to be and you aren’t being them. Places you were meant to go and things that you were meant to say. People you were meant to meet and days that you were meant to spend lying under a shady oak tree, in the bright summer sun, dreaming of how you could make the world better. And the thing keeping these “you-were-meants” from becoming “you-totally-ares” is fear. The kind that knocks you on your back and steals the breath right out of your lungs.

And baby, you’ve got to get up.

Fear of who you are, or who you want to be. Fear that you’re not good enough for the job, or pretty enough for the boy, or worthy enough to be fought for.

We have reduced our worth to employment and relationship statuses, and GPAs. We have warped our understanding of reality to succumb to believing that if we aren’t “chosen” then we must be broken.

Instead of knowing that no decision slips past the sovereignty of the Almighty, we wonder what we’ve done wrong. We forget that our worth is not measured by who chooses us here, but in the One who chose us at the cross. The One who promised to make our paths straight. The One who works good out of evil.

The One who is ever making all things new.

Stop asking the wrong questions. Recognize that you are not broken, and your value rests not in avoiding closed doors, but in where you look when you’re waiting in that hallway. You can believe that Jesus hasn’t forgotten or misplaced the glory He will exemplify through your life. But you have to let it look different than your plans. It will be better than good, believe it.

Oh weak-willed heart, would you only trust? Jesus is faithful in all things.

All things. Every thing. Any thing. The things, and trust me- there.are.things, are only as triumphant as you permit them to be. Life is too short + God is too good for you to spend your days spinning webs of anxiety and insecurity. You’re only going to catch yourself.

Darling soul, you have to believe there is more.

You have to know that there is a King who is fighting for your purpose. There is a Creator who created you to create and the longer you lay in bed with the covers pulled over you, the longer it takes for His glory to shine through your summer lovin’ smile and wide eyes.

And that’s the thing. This, the glitz + glam + glory of a life fully lived, was never about us. It’s about a King that came to rescue + redeem and we get to be a part of the story. We get to be rescuers + redeemers but we can’t do it in this prison of fear. We just can’t, baby.

So get up. Get out of that cell and run toward freedom. The locks on that iron door were broken ages ago, and you’re only one step away from the clear blue sky.

Get up.

‘Cause I need you to fight with me, and the world needs you to fight for it, and your beautiful life is so worth fighting for.